Failure [Dan Estes – Guest Blog]

6 12 2012

For me, last Saturday was a scary day. Seeing Danny in his “outfit” for the party Saturday night would shoot chills up and down anyone’s spine, but what I’m talking about is the feeling I got after finishing my goals. Like many of you, I went to the amazing goal setting workshop on Saturday at Zinque. I’ll be honest I was little skeptical because I have set goals for myself and relatively know what I want for my life. But this was different. This event forced me to actually write down specifically what I wanted for my life both in the near future and the distant future as well. This was hard. This was scary. I still feel a little scared and overwhelmed.

Make Sh*t Happen 2012

Make Sh*t Happen 2012

Why am I scared?

Well, I’m scared because I have to do the hard work to achieve those goals, but I’m also scared because what happens if I fail? What happens if I don’t attain my goals? You might laugh at me. You might judge me. Or worse yet I might judge myself. I might then see myself as failure. I would argue that every human being battles with the fear of failure. But I ask you, “Is failure really a bad thing?”

You see it’s all about perspective. For years and years I refused to step out on the court, ask a girl out, or even go to the gym because I was afraid to fail. However, it wasn’t until I was taught that failure is my greatest success, that I was able to put myself out there. Without failure I would never know what success was. Don’t get me wrong it sucks to fail, but when I consciously take my failures and turn them into motivators I have then defeated the demon inside me. I have to do this every time I try something, every time I “fail.”

I believe life is about the journey. These goals we set for ourselves are not destinations, but merely launching points on this journey we call life. From these points we launch ourselves to new heights, to new dimensions. Failure is not an option because if we strive hard, put one foot in front of the other, and do everything in our power to achieve what we set out to achieve the results do not matter.

With action come results. So, make the decision to be the best you can be each and everyday. “When someone makes a decision, he is really diving into a strong current that will carry him to places he had never dreamed of when he first made the decision.” (Paulo Coelho – The Alchemist) So, no matter what your goals are, no matter where you want your life to, dive into the current and let the journey be your guide.

Rotisserie Dan (Dan Estes)


Thursday’s Workout:

5 Rounds for time of:
20 Front Rack Step Back Lunge (95/65)
20 Hollow Rocks
50m Sprint