2012: A Year in Review

1 01 2013

*7:00 AM Class CLOSED for New Years*

Where has the time gone? We all tend to reflect on the year as we prepare for the New Year, and I’d hope that you all can look back on your time here, not matter how long or short that may be, and recognize some impressive gains. Do you remember yourself a year ago?

Where were you? What were your habits? What were you capable of?

Hopefully you can compare that year-ago-self to yourself today and see some contrast for the better. This entire community has come so far. Heck, this time last year our gym changed big time. Remember this?..

November 28, 2011

November 28, 2011

And, at the time we were all preparing to look at nutrition with a whole new intensity in infamous Route 56 Challenge. That challenge sparked a growth in this community that is unlike anything I’ve ever seen with regards to both commitment and performance. This blog had 52,000 views from 98 different countries in 2012.

The memories are incredible. A year ago this time, the 7AM class helped scrape Danny’s body off Ocean Avenue after his survived the wreck on his moped. Speaking of cars, we did the infamous “Life Skills” workout with Danny’s truck. Alternating team truck pushes and interval runs? I guess we always have been a “Fake Gym,” huh?

It was also around this time that we were celebrating my new ambassadorship with lululemon. This year we celebrate Danny’s ambassadorship. Looking back through the whiteboard photos of old, it doesn’t take long to notice a change in our students, too. For example, about this time last year the workout called for a one rep max squat clean before the meat of the training day. Here are the maximal lifts from that day:

  • Mel – 65#
  • Marek – 125#
  • Dad – 155#
  • DPatt – 155#
  • Sarah – 95#
  • Amanda – 85#
  • Peter – 135#

Last Saturday, Marek cleaned 155 pounds from the hang. Just hours before writing this, I watched Dad hang power clean 185 in a skill session. Not bad for something that we do once in a blue moon, right? The capacities of this community are growing astronomically, and you all should be proud.

Now, a year later the entire landscape of FFOTB has changed. We offer four different curriculums (GPP, Barbell, Endurance, and Women’s Only), we’ve added a coach’s training school, and a goal setting program that makes sh*t happen! One thing remains constant, however, and that’s the simple notion that you all make or break this thing. Our gym is YOU. Without the desire you all show day in and day out, we’d just be standing out on the bluff looking at kettlebells, twiddling our thumbs.

Congratulations on a job well done. Enjoy it tonight, because tomorrow we get back to work to be “Better than Yesterday.” Let us surpass any expectation in 2013!


Logan Gelbrich


Tuesday’s Workout:

4 rounds for time:
30m Run (15m course)
15 Double KB Cleans (53/35)
60m Run
15 Push Press (115/75)
90m run
(1:1 work to rest)

Failure [Dan Estes – Guest Blog]

6 12 2012

For me, last Saturday was a scary day. Seeing Danny in his “outfit” for the party Saturday night would shoot chills up and down anyone’s spine, but what I’m talking about is the feeling I got after finishing my goals. Like many of you, I went to the amazing goal setting workshop on Saturday at Zinque. I’ll be honest I was little skeptical because I have set goals for myself and relatively know what I want for my life. But this was different. This event forced me to actually write down specifically what I wanted for my life both in the near future and the distant future as well. This was hard. This was scary. I still feel a little scared and overwhelmed.

Make Sh*t Happen 2012

Make Sh*t Happen 2012

Why am I scared?

Well, I’m scared because I have to do the hard work to achieve those goals, but I’m also scared because what happens if I fail? What happens if I don’t attain my goals? You might laugh at me. You might judge me. Or worse yet I might judge myself. I might then see myself as failure. I would argue that every human being battles with the fear of failure. But I ask you, “Is failure really a bad thing?”

You see it’s all about perspective. For years and years I refused to step out on the court, ask a girl out, or even go to the gym because I was afraid to fail. However, it wasn’t until I was taught that failure is my greatest success, that I was able to put myself out there. Without failure I would never know what success was. Don’t get me wrong it sucks to fail, but when I consciously take my failures and turn them into motivators I have then defeated the demon inside me. I have to do this every time I try something, every time I “fail.”

I believe life is about the journey. These goals we set for ourselves are not destinations, but merely launching points on this journey we call life. From these points we launch ourselves to new heights, to new dimensions. Failure is not an option because if we strive hard, put one foot in front of the other, and do everything in our power to achieve what we set out to achieve the results do not matter.

With action come results. So, make the decision to be the best you can be each and everyday. “When someone makes a decision, he is really diving into a strong current that will carry him to places he had never dreamed of when he first made the decision.” (Paulo Coelho – The Alchemist) So, no matter what your goals are, no matter where you want your life to, dive into the current and let the journey be your guide.

Rotisserie Dan (Dan Estes)


Thursday’s Workout:

5 Rounds for time of:
20 Front Rack Step Back Lunge (95/65)
20 Hollow Rocks
50m Sprint

It’s Just Friday – Set the Tone

23 11 2012

Have you ever sent a message to yourself? I don’t mean emailing yourself a reminder or mailing yourself a note. What I am referring to is a tone setting message. It usually takes shape in an action more than it does words, but the point is to declare a specific tone for yourself.

Well, if you haven’t done this before, here’s an opportunity. Do you know what tomorrow is? Some people may say, “Well Logan, it’s Black Friday,” while others may claim that it’s “the day after Thanksgiving.” Well, though both of those statements are true, I’d like to argue that the best answer is that it’s just another Friday.

How do you spell FFOTB?


So, rather than succumb to all the “reasons” to sink into holiday season lull, I think we’d all benefit from the reality of the situation. Tomorrow isn’t a holiday. It’s not anything remarkably unique, either. And since it’s just “Friday”, it sounds like a great day to send ourselves a message. That message is one of distinct understanding and separation. It sets the tone that though this is the holiday season, we all can differentiate between Christmas and just another Monday, for example. It’s a tone that says, “Yes! I will appreciate every last ounce of Thanksgiving– seconds, thirds, and dessert included thank you very much. But, I also know when it’s time to get back to work, and that time is now!”

I hope you all enjoyed Thanksgiving as much as I did. Now we’re at a crossroads– life as usual? Or, give in to a 32 day holiday?

See you tomorrow.


Logan Gelbrich


Friday’s Workout:

7 KB Squat Clean Thrusters (53/35)
7 Burpees
7 Push Ups

Then: Run 400m

**Athletes receive two scores. One for their AMRAP and one for the 400m run effort.

FFOTB Event: Crush Cancer 2012 presented by DogTown CrossFit

14 10 2012

I’ll be the first to tell you, especially in the last year and a half of FFOTB’s existence, that there’s nothing more powerful than a group of passionate people. Well, our friends at DogTown CrossFit embody just that.

That’s why October 27th we will join them in their efforts to raise money to fight cancer. CRUSH CANCER 2012 is an event right up our ally. Participants are asked to raise money for a great cause, while taking on a grueling workout in the name of cancer research.

I’ve since created a page to direct donations and the donations of your own friends, family, and supporters. To make a contribution please visit our link here: FFOTB’s Crush Cancer 2012 Initiative

For those of you joining us next Saturday morning (Oct. 27th at DogTown), the workout is as follows:

Complete 3 Round for reps- 1 min. Each Station.
– Power Cleans
– Kettlebell Swings
– Burpees
– Shoulder to Overhead,
– Double Unders

Please share the word on this, guys and girls. You need not participate in the workout to contribute either. Join us!In the meantime, Monday’s workout will give you a good idea what the Crush Cancer workout will be like.

Logan Gelbrich


Monday’s Workout:

Complete the following 3 rounds for reps:
1 min. Max Push Ups
1 min. Max Double KB Cleans (53/35/18)
1 min. Max Lateral Jumps
1 min. Max KB Thrusters (44/26/9)
1 min. Max Weighted Sit Ups (25/10/BW)
-Rest 1 min-

October Video Blog

1 10 2012

There’s just so much buzzing around ‘The Nation’ that I couldn’t write it. I figured I could use some help too, since I can barely spell and Angel makes for much better odds at a viral run on YouTube. Check out what’s on tap for FFOTB:

Here are some relevant links for more information on the aforementioned:

The VITALS Challenge 

Europa Sports’ SICest of the Southwest

DogTown CrossFit Presents: CRUSH CANCER 2012

We’re FFOTB strong, nationwide.

Well, that does it. Be sure to stay involved in this community and squeeze every last drop out of your experience here. As you know, I love you all and let’s stick it to Monday!


Logan Gelbrich


Monday’s Workout:

‘The VITALS Challenge’ Prelims

Find Max Duration L (or chair) Sit

Find 1RM Ground to Shoulder

Then, complete the following for time:

Run 1 Mile

A Salute to America’s Heroes

28 05 2012

I think Memorial Day is important. I also think it’s important for us as a nation to figure out how to embrace our troops with politics aside. Growing up in Santa Monica, I was like many kids. I was infatuated with guns, good guys & bad guys, and the action of military comand. Many games with neighborhood boys were even militaristic in nature. My call sign was always Viper.

Then, of course, I grew up and didn’t continue playing with toy guns and such. It wasn’t until baseball took me around the country to smaller towns that I regained a connection with our military. Quite honestly, I think we can get quite dissociated with those in military service and even, at times, the patriotism that comes with it living in our paradise.

Surely, you need not support the idea of war or embrace a “Rah-rah” attitude about America, but I think we all can use this day to take a moment and recognize that there are men and women  in uniform all over the world that aren’t playing with toy guns and fake call signs. They are in a fight with real consequences. This fight is to protect our freedoms.

Today, I’d like a moment to salute the men and women that have served this country in our armed forces. My heart skips a beat for those that never made it home and for those that will play the ultimate sacrifice in the future.

In honor of Memorial Day, we will be doing “Manion” as our workout of the day. “Manion” is a CrossFit Hero workout named after “First Lieutenant Travis Manion, 26, of Doylestown, PA, assigned to 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, based in Camp Pendleton, CA. He was killed by sniper fire on April 29, 2007 while fighting against an enemy ambush in Anbar Province, Iraq.

Travis Joseph Lemma Manion

He is survived by his father, Colonel Tom Manion, mother Janet Manion, and sister Ryan Borek.” (CrossFit, Inc)

Logan Gelbrich


Monday’s Workout:


Seven rounds for time of:

Run 400 meters

135 pound Back squat, 29 reps