Create-A-Player: “99 Awareness”

20 11 2012

I’m, by no means, a gamer, but there’s a saying we used to have with my teammates about the Create-A-Player feature that many video games have. At least with the sports games, creating a player allowed you to choose attributes like height, weight, body type, etc. In addition, you could choose skills like speed, power, agility, and so on. One of the intangible skills you could choose from was awareness, and maxing out any create-a-player’s attributes meant the skill had a 99 rating.

With that back story in mind, we always envied “99 Awareness.” We’d talk and joke about stud athletes, Navy Seals, writers, various brilliant minds, and other notable characters and we’d often end our description trailing off with the words, “99 Awareness..”

Do more work. Faster.

You don’t need to agree with the level at which I place this attribute on a pedestal, but you can’t disagree that awareness is a valuable tool to have. Think about what would be available to you if you were always aware.

What are some things you’d know if you had “99 Awareness?” Could you translate your 12 years of experience in human resources to a treasure trove of knowledge to start your own business? If you were hyper-aware, maybe you’d have just enough tools to keep up with your training on the road without a coach. Imagine how much insight you’d have to writing skills if every time you read, you noticed syntax, vocabulary, and structure.

The list of take away benefits are endless when it comes to awareness. I don’t know about you, but if I had the choice I’d ratchet up the dial on my awareness to 99 every time.

Logan Gelbrich


Tuesday’s Workout:

5 rounds for time of:
400m Run
10 Clapping Push Ups
10 Tuck Jumps